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传输表空间(TTS transport tablespace)传输多个表空间

客户有一台服务器,上面建了两个实例,打算整合成一个库,两个库没有同名的用户、表空间、数据文件,这就很好弄了,EXP/EXPDP导入导出就可以,传输表空间(TTS transport tablespace)也可以,考虑到客户的服务器没有存放备份的空闲空间,所以使用传输表空间(TTS transport tablespace)来做这个事情。
由于客户环境表空间较多,单个表空间传输肯定不行,所以,把需要的表空间一起迁移过去。而且,两个实例的block szie不一样,需要设置参数。
测试环境:OEL5.7 ORACLE10.
迁出实例EOSP,block szie 16K
迁入实例source,block szie 8K

SQL> create tablespace test1 datafile '/data/eosp/test01.dbf' size 10M;

Tablespace created.

SQL> create tablespace test2 datafile '/data/eosp/test02.dbf' size 10M;

Tablespace created.

SQL> create tablespace test3 datafile '/data/eosp/test03.dbf' size 10M;

Tablespace created.

SQL> create tablespace test4 datafile '/data/eosp/test04.dbf' size 10M;

Tablespace created.

SQL> create tablespace index1 datafile '/data/eosp/index01.dbf' size 10M;

Tablespace created.

SQL> create user user1 identified by user1 default tablespace test1;

User created.

SQL> create user user2 identified by user2 default tablespace test2;

User created.

SQL> grant connect,resource to user1;

Grant succeeded.

SQL> grant connect,resource to user2;

Grant succeeded.


SQL> conn user1/user1

SQL> create table test1(id number,name varchar2(10))
  2  partition by list(id)
  3  (partition p1 values(1) tablespace test1,
  4  partition p2 values(2) tablespace test2,
  5  partition p3 values(3) tablespace test3,
  6  partition p4 values(default) tablespace test4);

Table created.

SQL> insert into test1 values(1,'zhangsan');

1 row created.

SQL> insert into test1 values(2,'lisi');

1 row created.

SQL> insert into test1 values(3,'wangwu');

1 row created.

SQL> insert into test1 values(4,'zhaoliu');

1 row created.

SQL> commit;

Commit complete.

SQL> select * from test1 partition(p1);

        ID NAME
---------- ----------
         1 zhangsan

SQL> select * from test1 partition(p2);

        ID NAME
---------- ----------
         2 lisi

SQL> select * from test1 partition(p3);

        ID NAME
---------- ----------
         3 wangwu

SQL> select * from test1 partition(p4);

        ID NAME
---------- ----------
         4 zhaoliu

SQL> create index ind1 on test1(id) local tablespace index1;

Index created.

SQL> select segment_name,partition_name,tablespace_name from dba_segments where owner='USER1';

-------------------- ------------------------------ ------------------------------
TEST1                P1                             TEST1
TEST1                P2                             TEST2
TEST1                P3                             TEST3
TEST1                P4                             TEST4
IND1                 P4                             INDEX1
IND1                 P3                             INDEX1
IND1                 P2                             INDEX1
IND1                 P1                             INDEX1


SQL> conn user2/user2
SQL> create table test1(id number,name varchar2(10))
  2  partition by list(id)
  3  (partition p1 values(1) tablespace test1,
  4  partition p2 values(2) tablespace test2,
  5  partition p3 values(3) tablespace test3,
  6  partition p4 values(default) tablespace test4);

Table created.

SQL> insert into test1 values(1,'zhangsan');

1 row created.

SQL> insert into test1 values(2,'lisi');

1 row created.

SQL> insert into test1 values(3,'wangwu');

1 row created.

SQL> insert into test1 values(4,'zhaoliu');

1 row created.

SQL> commit;

Commit complete.

SQL> create index ind1 on test1(id) local tablespace index1;

Index created.


SQL> conn / as sysdba
SQL> exec sys.dbms_tts.transport_set_check('test1',true);

PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.

SQL> select * from sys.transport_set_violations;

Default Partition (Table) Tablespace TEST2 for TEST1 not contained in transportable set
Partitioned table USER1.TEST1 is partially contained in the transportable set: check table partition
s by querying sys.dba_tab_partitions

Default Partition (Table) Tablespace TEST3 for TEST1 not contained in transportable set
Default Partition (Table) Tablespace TEST2 for TEST1 not contained in transportable set
Default Partition (Table) Tablespace TEST4 for TEST1 not contained in transportable set
Partitioned table USER2.TEST1 is partially contained in the transportable set: check table partition
s by querying sys.dba_tab_partitions


SQL> exec sys.dbms_tts.transport_set_check('TEST1,TEST2,TEST3,TEST4,INDEX1',TRUE,TRUE);

PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.

SQL> select * from sys.transport_set_violations;

no rows selected


SQL> alter tablespace test1 read only;

Tablespace altered.

SQL> alter tablespace test2 read only;

Tablespace altered.

SQL> alter tablespace test3 read only;

Tablespace altered.

SQL> alter tablespace test4 read only;

Tablespace altered.

SQL> alter tablespace index1 read write

Tablespace altered.


[oracle@source ~]$ export NLS_LANG=AMERICAN_AMERICA.ZHS16GBK
[oracle@source ~]$ exp '/ as sysdba' transport_tablespace=y tablespaces=test1,test2,test3,test4,index1 file=/home/oracle/tts.dmp

Export: Release - Production on Fri May 23 22:50:08 2014

Copyright (c) 1982, 2007, Oracle.  All rights reserved.

Connected to: Oracle Database 10g Enterprise Edition Release - Production
With the Partitioning, OLAP, Data Mining and Real Application Testing options
Export done in ZHS16GBK character set and AL16UTF16 NCHAR character set
Note: table data (rows) will not be exported
About to export transportable tablespace metadata...
For tablespace TEST1 ...
. exporting cluster definitions
. exporting table definitions
. . exporting table                          TEST1
. . exporting table                          TEST1
For tablespace TEST2 ...
. exporting cluster definitions
. exporting table definitions
For tablespace TEST3 ...
. exporting cluster definitions
. exporting table definitions
For tablespace TEST4 ...
. exporting cluster definitions
. exporting table definitions
For tablespace INDEX1 ...
. exporting cluster definitions
. exporting table definitions
. exporting referential integrity constraints
. exporting triggers
. end transportable tablespace metadata export
Export terminated successfully without warnings.


[oracle@source source]$ cd /u01/app/oracle/oradata/source
[oracle@source source]$ cp /data/eosp/test0* .
[oracle@source source]$ cp /data/eosp/index01.dbf .


SQL> create user user1 identified by user1;

User created.

SQL> create user user2 identified by user2;

User created.

SQL> grant connect,resource to user1;

Grant succeeded.

SQL> grant connect,resource to user2;

Grant succeeded.


[oracle@source source]$ export NLS_LANG=AMERICAN_AMERICA.ZHS16GBK
[oracle@source source]$ imp '/ as sysdba' file=/home/oracle/tts.dmp fromuser=user1 touser=user1 fromuser=user2 touser=user2 transport_tablespace=y tablespaces=test1 datafiles=/u01/app/oracle/oradata/source/test01.dbf tablespaces=test2 datafiles=/u01/app/oracle/oradata/source/test02.dbf tablespaces=test3 datafiles=/u01/app/oracle/oradata/source/test03.dbf tablespaces=test4 datafiles=/u01/app/oracle/oradata/source/test04.dbf tablespaces=index1 datafiles=/u01/app/oracle/oradata/source/index01.dbf

Import: Release - Production on Fri May 23 23:03:52 2014

Copyright (c) 1982, 2007, Oracle.  All rights reserved.

Connected to: Oracle Database 10g Enterprise Edition Release - Production
With the Partitioning, OLAP, Data Mining and Real Application Testing options

Export file created by EXPORT:V10.02.01 via conventional path
About to import transportable tablespace(s) metadata...
import done in ZHS16GBK character set and AL16UTF16 NCHAR character set
. importing USER1's objects into USER1
. . importing table                        "TEST1"
. importing USER2's objects into USER2
. . importing table                        "TEST1"
Import terminated successfully without warnings.


SQL> conn user1/user1
SQL> select * from tab;

TNAME                          TABTYPE  CLUSTERID
------------------------------ ------- ----------
TEST1                          TABLE

SQL> select * from test1;

        ID NAME
---------- ----------
         1 zhangsan
         2 lisi
         3 wangwu
         4 zhaoliu

SQL> select segment_name,tablespace_name from dba_segments where owner='USER1';

-------------------- ------------------------------
TEST1                TEST1
TEST1                TEST2
TEST1                TEST3
TEST1                TEST4
IND1                 INDEX1
IND1                 INDEX1
IND1                 INDEX1
IND1                 INDEX1

8 rows selected.

SQL> select segment_name,tablespace_name from dba_segments where owner='USER2';

-------------------- ------------------------------
TEST1                TEST1
TEST1                TEST2
TEST1                TEST3
TEST1                TEST4
IND1                 INDEX1
IND1                 INDEX1
IND1                 INDEX1
IND1                 INDEX1

8 rows selected.

SQL> select name from v$datafile;


10 rows selected.


SQL> alter tablespace test1 read write;

Tablespace altered.

SQL> alter tablespace test2 read write;

Tablespace altered.

SQL> alter tablespace test3 read write

Tablespace altered.

SQL> alter tablespace test4 read write

Tablespace altered.

SQL> alter tablespace index1 read write

Tablespace altered.



本文固定链接: http://www.dbdream.com.cn/2014/05/%e4%bc%a0%e8%be%93%e8%a1%a8%e7%a9%ba%e9%97%b4tts-transport-tablespace%e4%bc%a0%e8%be%93%e5%a4%9a%e4%b8%aa%e8%a1%a8%e7%a9%ba%e9%97%b4/ | 信春哥,系统稳,闭眼上线不回滚!

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原创文章转载请注明: 传输表空间(TTS transport tablespace)传输多个表空间 | 信春哥,系统稳,闭眼上线不回滚!
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传输表空间(TTS transport tablespace)传输多个表空间:等您坐沙发呢!

