1. 在导入之前还是要创建DIRECTORY,当然,如果数据库已经建立了这些路径,就不需要再建立了。
SQL> create directory data_file_dir as 'd:dir'; create directory data_pump_dir as 'd:dpdump' * 第 1 行出现错误: ORA-00955: 名称已由现有对象使用
2. 我们使用$ORACLE_HOME/rdbms/admin/awrload.sql脚本加载AWR导出的dmp文件的数据。下面通过小小的实验来演示加载过程。
SQL> @?/rdbms/admin/awrload ~~~~~~~~~~ AWR LOAD ~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~ This script will load the AWR data from a dump file. The ~ ~ script will prompt users for the following information: ~ ~ (1) name of directory object ~ ~ (2) name of dump file ~ ~ (3) staging schema name to load AWR data into ~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Specify the Directory Name ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Directory Name Directory Path ------------------------------ --------------------------------------------- DATA_FILE_DIR D:dir DATA_PUMP_DIR D:oracleadminstreamdpdump EXP d:exp IMP d:imp ORACLECLRDIR D:oracleproduct11.2.0dbhome_1binclr ORACLE_OCM_CONFIG_DIR D:oracleproduct11.2.0dbhome_1ccrstate XMLDIR D:oracleproduct11.2.0dbhome_1rdbmsxml Choose a Directory Name from the list above (case-sensitive). 输入 directory_name 的值:
输入 directory_name 的值: DATA_FILE_DIR Using the dump directory: DATA_FILE_DIR Specify the Name of the Dump File to Load ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Please specify the prefix of the dump file (.dmp) to load: 输入 file_name 的值:
输入 file_name 的值: AWR_571-575 Loading from the file name: AWR_571-575.dmp Staging Schema to Load AWR Snapshot Data ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The next step is to create the staging schema where the AWR snapshot data will be loaded. After loading the data into the staging schema, the data will be transferred into the AWR tables in the SYS schema. The default staging schema name is AWR_STAGE. To use this name, press to continue, otherwise enter an alternative. 输入 schema_name 的值:
ORACLE说了,这些数据要加载到在SYS SCHEMA里的AWR表里,但是默认干这个活的是AWR_STAGE这个小子,然后ORACLE问了,你打算让谁干这个活啊?既然AWR_STAGE小子轻车熟路,当然是让他干啦。
输入 schema_name 的值: AWR_STAGE Using the staging schema name: AWR_STAGE Choose the Default tablespace for the AWR_STAGE user ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Choose the AWR_STAGE users's default tablespace. This is the tablespace in which the AWR data will be staged. TABLESPACE_NAME CONTENTS DEFAULT TABLESPACE ------------------------------ --------- ------------------ ARRANGEMENTS PERMANENT STREAM PERMANENT SYSAUX PERMANENT * THAMS PERMANENT USERS PERMANENT Pressing will result in the recommended default tablespace (identified by *) being used. 输入 default_tablespace 的值:
输入 default_tablespace 的值: USERS 输入 default_tablespace 的值: USERS Using tablespace USERS as the default tablespace for the AWR_STAGE Choose the Temporary tablespace for the AWR_STAGE user ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Choose the AWR_STAGE user's temporary tablespace. TABLESPACE_NAME CONTENTS DEFAULT TEMP TABLESPACE ------------------------------ --------- ----------------------- TEMP TEMPORARY * Pressing will result in the database's default temporary tablespace (identified by *) being used. 输入 temporary_tablespace 的值:
输入 temporary_tablespace 的值: TEMP Using tablespace TEMP as the temporary tablespace for AWR_STAGE ... Creating AWR_STAGE user | ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ | Loading the AWR data from the following | directory/file: | D:dir | AWR_571-575.dmp | ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ | *** AWR Load Started ... | This operation will take a few moments. The | progress of the AWR load operation can be | monitored in the following directory/file: | D:dir | AWR_571-575.log
... Dropping AWR_STAGE user End of AWR Load
已成功加载/卸载了主表 "SYS"."SYS_IMPORT_FULL_01" 启动 "SYS"."SYS_IMPORT_FULL_01": 处理对象类型 TABLE_EXPORT/TABLE/TABLE 已完成 128 TABLE 个对象, 用时 5 秒 处理对象类型 TABLE_EXPORT/TABLE/TABLE_DATA . . 导入了 "AWR_STAGE"."WRH$_SQL_PLAN" 1.195 MB 3052 行 . . 导入了 "AWR_STAGE"."WRH$_SQLTEXT" 336.3 KB 336 行 . . 导入了 "AWR_STAGE"."WRH$_SYSMETRIC_SUMMARY" 70.41 KB 790 行 . . 导入了 "AWR_STAGE"."WRH$_WAITCLASSMETRIC_HISTORY" 23.61 KB 177 行 . . 导入了 "AWR_STAGE"."WRH$_SYSMETRIC_HISTORY" 187.4 KB 3540 行